Last update 16-02-2024

Services provided by the Spanish Patents and Trade Mark Office


Free services

  • Dissemination and communication services

    The Spanish Patents and Trade Mark Office (OEPM)(Abre en nueva ventana) is a modern office that is visible, user-focused and close to citizens. To achieve this, it uses different communication and dissemination channels to reach its target audience, communicating the importance and the benefits of industrial property, which include the following:

  • Information and registration services

    Top-level customer service, by telephone (+34 910780780) and by email (

    There are regional industrial property information centres in the Autonomous Communities (Abre en nueva ventana) that belong to the autonomous governments, but that have jurisdiction to provide assistance and information to users in matters of industrial property.

  • Business and SME support service

    Second-level service giving priority to assisting SMEs and entrepreneurs in registering and processing trade marks and industrial designs, internationalisation pathways, grants and assistance, and various aspects of innovation.

    This service is managed by telephone (+34 913495449 / +34 913495550) and by email (

  • On-duty trade mark examiner service

    Second-level service to assist users who have a trade mark or trade name file that is being processed or who have specific queries about aspects of submitting an application for such rights.

    By telephone via the information line (+34 910780780) and by email via the information email address (

  • On-duty patent examiner service

    Second-level service to assist users who have a patent or utility model file that is being processed or who have specific queries about aspects of submitting an application for such rights.

    By telephone via the information line (+34 910780780) and by email via the information email address (

  • Spanish Patents and Trade Mark Office (OEPM) Historical Archive Service

    The OEPM has more than 200 years of history and keeps a Historical Archive for the cultural heritage of all Spanish people.

    Privileges of invention have been listed since 1826, trade marks since 1865, patents since 1878 and the ‘Historical industrial property official gazette’ (BOPI) since 1886.

    All files that we have gathered since that date are stored physically at Calle Panamá, 1, the former head office of the OEPM. Following the digitisation processes, many of these files can be viewed on the intellectual property history website(Abre en nueva ventana) .

    Where can I consult the files or request a copy?

    By sending an email to for files from 1826 to 1939.

    By sending an email to for files from 1940 to the present day, for a charge payable by the public.

    In addition, there is a Historical Archive Shop(Abre en nueva ventana) , which sells objects, prints and publications created with images from this wonderful archive.

  • OEPM Statistics and Studies Service

    The statistics service is responsible for making applications processed at the OEPM visible at the national and international levels.

    Monthly and annual statistics are produced(Abre en nueva ventana) .

    Information about statistics can be requested by sending an email to, or ad hoc statistics can be produced against a charge payable by the public.

    The service is also responsible for preparing and updating the following studies.

  • OEPM Quality Service

    This is offered by implementing a quality management and technology monitoring system and publishing service charters with commitments to users through the Quality and Certification portal of the OEPM.(Abre en nueva ventana)

  • Technology Information Services

    What purposes / needs can the Technology Information Services fulfil?

    • To be aware of the legal status of any file.
    • To determine the state of the art of a specific technical sector.
    • To monitor the competitive environment in relation to technological and commercial development activities.
    • To enable technological developments to be monitored.
    • To identify trade marks and signs used on the market and assess the possibility of obtaining new signs.
    • To have a source of ideas to stimulate innovation and technological development.

    It has publications for these purposes.

    • The Industrial property official gazette ( BOPI(Abre en nueva ventana) ). It is published daily and can be consulted free of charge.
    • International classifications. International Patent Classification (IPC), International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks ( Nice(Abre en nueva ventana) Agreement), International Classification for Industrial Designs ( Locarno (Abre en nueva ventana) Agreement).
    • Other publications: technical, historical, statistical, advisory booklets, etc.
    • Boletines de Vigilancia Tecnológica ( BVT(Abre en nueva ventana) ) [Technology watch bulletins]: free quarterly electronic publications.
    • In addition, several technology alerts(Abre en nueva ventana) have been created to provide up-to-date information about the most recent patents being published all over the world in relation to a specific technical subject.

    Databases that can be consulted free of charge.

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Paid services

There are some value-added services within the technological information services that are subject to a charge payable by the public. These are as follows.

The Spanish Patents and Trade Mark Office (OEPM) is an office based on excellence. During the modernisation process undertaken by the OEPM in recent years in a bid to become a ‘paperless office’, it is worth highlighting the effort made in relation to investing resources in developing the website(Abre en nueva ventana) , from which all OEPM procedures can be accessed. In addition, since December 2013, it has been possible to pay for certain procedures by credit or debit card in order to facilitate the process for users.

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Legal and/or technical references

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Authority responsible for the information

Ministry of Industry and Tourism
Spanish Patents and Trade Mark Office (OEPM)
Support Unit for the Directorate-General of the OEPM.