Disclosure of public procurement procedures
Contractor’s profile
The contractor’s profile is a single electronic site on which contracting bodies publicise information about their public contracts, such as calls for tender, specification documents or award notices, among others.
Access to the contractor’s profile
The contractor’s profile is accessible via the internet, it is free and open to the public. Therefore, it is not necessary to be registered to consult information on contracts.
Public sector procurement platform
The public sector procurement platform (hereinafter, ‘platform’) is the internet site hosting contractor profiles and corresponding information on contracts. It is accessed via the following URL: contrataciondelsectorpublico.gob.es
Profiles hosted on the platform
The public sector procurement platform hosts all the contractor profiles of the state public sector, and those in autonomous and local public sector which have decided not to host their own platforms. You can consult all the contractor profiles hosted on the public sector procurement platform at contrataciondelsectorpublico.gob.es
The platform: a single contact point for information on contracts
Regardless of whether or not the profile of the contractor is hosted on the public sector procurement platform, all public procurement procedures in Spain are published there. Simply go to contrataciondelsectorpublico.gob.es to find all the business opportunities in the Spanish public sector. It is the single and central point for all public procurement in Spain.
The benefits of being registered on the platform
Through the public sector procurement platform, tenders can be found based on a series of selection criteria. These searches are open to the public, so it is not necessary to be registered. There is also a subscription service for registered users, and the platform provides users with daily notifications according to their selection criteria. The notifications are sent by email.
Why can’t I find a procedure on the platform?
There are calls for tender in some procurement procedures which are not publicised, because the law does not require it, such as in negotiated procedures that are not publicised or contracts based on framework agreements. In such cases, you will not find the notice for tender on the public sector procurement platform. However, award notices must always be publicised.
Information for businesses seeking to use the platform
All the information needed to use the public sector procurement platform can be found in the ‘Help Guides’ section of this link. If you have any queries, the ‘Contacts’ section provides details on how to contact the platform personnel.
Information for each Autonomous Community
![Mapa de España con comunidades autónomas](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/transparentMap.gif)
![Andalucía Andalucía](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/andalucia.png)
![Aragón Aragón](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/aragon.png)
![Canarias Canarias](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/canarias.png)
![Cantabria Cantabria](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/cantabria.png)
![Castilla y León Castilla y León](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/castillaleon.png)
![Castilla-La Mancha Castilla-La Mancha](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/castillamancha.png)
![Cataluña Cataluña](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/cataluna.png)
![Galicia Galicia](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/galicia.png)
![Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Comunidad de](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/madrid.png)
![Murcia, Región de Murcia, Región de](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/murcia.png)
![Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/navarra.png)
![País Vasco País Vasco](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/vascongadas.png)
![Rioja, La Rioja, La](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/rioja.png)
Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La