Last update 04-03-2025

Primary education


Primary education

Primary education is compulsory and free. This stage of education is divided into six academic years, generally for those aged between 6 and 12. Pupils generally start the first year of primary education in the calendar year in which they reach the age of 6.

The aim of primary education is for pupils to develop in the following areas: verbal expression and comprehension, reading, writing, mathematics, basic cultural awareness, and skills for coexistence, study and work, artistic awareness, creativity and emotional development, thus guaranteeing a comprehensive education so as to contribute to the full development of the pupils’ personalities, and prepare them for going to compulsory secondary education.

At this stage, educational activities seek to integrate learning with pupils’ different experiences, and they can be adapted to varying work rates.

Primary education is built around various subjects and topics in a holistic and integrated way, and is provided by teachers who are qualified to teach those subjects at this level. Music, physical education and foreign languages are taught by specialist teachers with the relevant qualifications.

More information on the organisation of primary education is available from the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports.(Abre en nueva ventana)

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Authority responsible for the information

Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports
Undersecretariat for Education, Vocational Training and Sports