Access to national funding
Access to national funding
In order to improve the competitiveness and enhance the growth of SMEs, a series of actions and initiatives have been made available to them to facilitate their access to funding.
There are two kinds of initiatives. Firstly, there are the grants and incentives launched and awarded by the various general, regional and local authorities and by other public bodies. Secondly, there are specific schemes set up by the Directorate-General for Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, under the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, and the financial instruments granted by the bodies under its remit.
Grants and subsidies finder
Access to information on all the national assistance schemes and incentives set up by public authorities and bodies, who they are aimed at and how to access them.
Schemes set up by bodies under the Directorate-General for Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
There are two financial instruments in this area.
- ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SME, SA) is a state-owned commercial company attached to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism through the Directorate-General for Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (DGEIPYME). Its main activity is to provide financial support for small and medium-sized Spanish companies with viable and innovative projects, through profit participating loans. Check what financing facilities are available through ENISA.
- CERSA (Compañia Española de Reafianzamiento, S.A.) is responsible for supporting the Spanish guarantees system, backing the guarantees provided by mutual guarantee schemes (MGS) for the granting of loans by banks to SMEs and the self-employed. Check what financing facilities are available through CERSA.
Schemes set up by the Directorate-General for Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
See all the schemes aimed at providing business people and SMEs access to other sources of funding, who they are aimed at and the steps to follow to access them, under DGEIPYME schemes.
Información por Comunidades Autónomas
![Mapa de España con comunidades autónomas](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/transparentMap.gif)
![Andalucía Andalucía](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/andalucia.png)
![Aragón Aragón](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/aragon.png)
![Castilla y León Castilla y León](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/castillaleon.png)
![Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de](/resources/templating-kit/themes/pag/img/general/mapas/espana/navarra.png)
Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La
Legal and/or technical references
Article 20(One) of Royal Decree-Law 7/1996 of 7 June on urgent fiscal measures and measures to promote and liberalise economic activity
Law 1/1994 of 11 March on the legal system of MGS
Royal Decree 1644/1997 of 31 October on administrative authorisation rules and solvency requirements for companies backing guarantees
Amended by Royal Decree 216/2008 of 15 February on own resources of financial institutions
Directorate-General for Industry and SMEs