Registering a birth at the Civil Registry in Spain
What does registering a birth mean?
Births are registered at the Civil Registry by the registrar to officially record that a baby has been born, the date, time, and place of the birth, the identity, sex and details of the baby’s parents, as appropriate.
Who has a duty to register a birth?
The following are required to instigate registration of birth:
- The management of hospitals, clinics and health establishments;
- Medical or healthcare staff who assisted with the birth, where the birth took place outside a medical establishment;
- The parents; however, if the child is surrendered at the time of birth, the mother will not have this obligation, which will be assumed by the relevant public body;
- The nearest relative or, failing that, any adult present at the place and time of birth.
How to register
Where the notification of birth is not carried out by the health establishment, in which case the period will be 72 hours, the persons required to instigate registration are granted 10 days to declare the birth to the Civil Registry Office. However, this period can be extended to 30 days when a valid excuse is provided.
What documents are needed to register a birth?
The declaration is made by presenting the duly completed official document, including the identity and nationality of the registrants, their statements concerning the name chosen for the newborn child and the order of their surname and paternal parentage, accompanied by the mandatory medical certificate signed electronically by the medical practitioner.
If the time limit following the date of birth has elapsed, a resolution must be laid down in the registry documentation.
Where to register a birth
In the transitional period until the introduction of the new civil status model:
Births must be entered in the municipal or consular registry of the place where they take place.
However, births taking place in Spain may be entered in the municipal civil registry corresponding to the domicile of the legally recognised parent(s), if requested within the deadline.
Once the new civil status model is established:
Registration of birth may be requested from any of the General Civil Registry Offices and Consular Offices in the district concerned.
Información por Comunidades Autónomas

Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La