Training contracts for obtaining work experience
What is a training contract for obtaining work experience?
Training contracts for obtaining work experience provide practical training in a professional environment that is appropriate to the worker’s level of studies or the training which the contract covers. Workers taking up these contracts will acquire the skills and aptitudes needed to carry out the work corresponding to the qualification they have already obtained.
The position offered must enable the worker to obtain work experience appropriate to their level of studies or the training which the contract covers. The company will draw up an individual training plan specifying the content of the practical training that will be provided, and will assign a mentor with the appropriate training or experience to monitor the plan and ensure that the purpose of the contract is met.
Requirements of the training contract for obtaining work experience
- The contract can be offered to those holding a university degree or a vocational intermediate-level or higher-level qualification, specialist diploma, professional master’s or certificate from the vocational training system, in accordance with Organic Law 5/2002 of 19 June on Qualifications and Vocational Training, as well as to those holding an equivalent qualification for teaching art or sport in the education system, enabling or qualifying them to work in this field.
- The contract may be formalised within three years, or five years if entered into with a person with disabilities.
- For people who studied abroad, the three or five years will be counted from the date their qualification was recognised or approved in Spain, where such a requirement exists.
- The contract may not be offered to someone who has already obtained work experience or has done training at the company, in the same area, for more than three months. Periods of training or work placements required under the curriculum in order to obtain the qualification or certificate that qualifies them for these contracts are not included in this provision.
More information on characteristics of the contract, requirements and incentives for companies.
Information for each Autonomous Community

Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La
Legal and/or technical references
Article 11(1) of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015 of 23 October approving the recast text of the Workers’ Statute
Royal Decree 488/98 of 27 March, implementing Article 11 of the Workers’ Statute on training contracts
Law 3/2012 of 6 July on urgent measures for the reform of the labour market
Royal Decree-Law 1/2023, of 10 January, on urgent measures regarding incentives for employment and improvement of the social protection of artists.