Connection to gas services
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Connection to the gas network
All consumers have the right connect to the gas network under the conditions set forth in legislation in force, as long as there is a network that they can connect to. You must contact the distributor (distribution network manager) in your area.
The actual distributor cannot offer energy supply services. Sometimes the distributor forms a part of a more extensive company that also supplies energy. However, in that case, the distributor must have a separate visual identity to avoid creating confusion with the supply company.
New connection to the gas network
Service supply connections are all installations designed to supply piped gas.
If the property where a home is located does not have a connection to the gas network, a service supply connection must be requested from the gas distributor.
The party requesting the service supply connection must pay the service supply connection fees.
The price for this concept is established by the Autonomous Communities, depending on the maximum flow rate that is requested and on the supply location, with the upper and lower limits determined by the National Commission on Markets and Competition.
The service supply connection fees paid will remain assigned to each of the installations, homes, premises, parcels, etc. for which the fees were paid, regardless of the time that elapses.
Whenever a home already has an individual gas installation and has the corresponding installation certificate, issued by an authorised installer, to order the gas supply a consumer has to contract it from a supply company of their choice.
The supply company will request the order and service start-up from the distributor, on behalf of the consumer.
The distributor has a maximum of 6 business days to validate the request, plus another 6 business days to make the checks associated with service start-up and to proceed with ordering the service if the result of the checks is favourable.
What a user has to do when contracting a supply service
When the gas supply service is contracted or an existing service is extended by a new user, that user must pay the sign-up fee to the distributor company, which includes the following items:
- Service line connection: this is the operation of connecting the gas receiving installation to the network of the distributor company, which must perform this operation under its own responsibility.
- Verification of installations: the installations are reviewed and checked to ensure that they comply with the regulatory technical and safety conditions.
- In cases in which it is necessary to submit an authorized gas installer certificate, either because the installation is new or because it has been reformed, the verification fees will not be charged.
In accordance with the provisions set forth in point 3 of Article 91 of Law 34/1998, of 7 October , on the Hydrocarbons Sector, the Autonomous Communities will establish the schedule of registration fees.
Choice of Gas Supplier
In the EU, you can choose the supplier you wish from among all the gas suppliers that offer their services in your area.
All consumers have the right to freely contract their gas supply from the supply company that they deem the most suited to their needs and interests.
The list of all marketing companies can be consulted on the web page of the National Commission on Markets and Competition.
Last resort tariff
In general, the prices for the sale of natural gas are freely agreed upon between the consumer and the trader. However, as a means of protection for small consumers, certain last resort tariffs have been established, approved by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
The last resort tariff can be used by the following consumers:
- Those who are connected to a gas pipeline whose pressure is equal to or less than 4 bar, and
- Those whose annual consumption is equal to or less than 50,000 kWh.
In addition, from 20 October 2022 to 31 December 2023, all communities of owners of residential dwellings (or groups) as well as energy service companies can benefit from the last resort tariff on a temporary basis.
In order to apply for the neighbourhood last resort tariff (LRT), you must meet the following requirements:
- be up to date with payments to your current supplier;
- have individual consumption meters already installed in order to ensure each dwelling is charged correctly for its actual consumption. If you do not have a meter installed, you must make a declaration promising to install one by 31 September 2023 (if you do not comply, you must return 25 % of what you saved under this tariff). This does not apply to communities that are exempt from installing the meter under current legislation because it has been proven that they are not viable;
- have passed the mandatory boiler checks and inspections;
- if the procedure is carried out by an energy advisor, it must undertake to transfer 100 % of the savings generated by this change of power supplier to the community of owners.
N.B. 70 % of local LRT consumption is subject to the raw material price limit established for LRT tariffs.
However, if the community’s consumption exceeds the average for the last 5 years, a penalty of 25 % of the raw material price – calculated without the discount – will be applied to the excess consumption.
Unlike private consumers, who are free to choose which last resort supplier (LRS) to use, owners’ communities must apply the following order of priority when choosing their power supplier.
- First of all, you should check whether your power supplier is part of the same group as one of the LRSs, in which case you should apply to the LRS in the same business group.
- In the event that you get your gas by a supplier other than those listed above, if you are connected to a Nedgia group distributor, you must contact the LRS: Comercializadora Regulada, Gas & Power, S.A.
- If neither of the above cases apply, you should contact the LRS with the largest market share in your autonomous community.
The last-resort gas marketing companies that exist are the following:
- Baser Comercializadora de Referencia, S.A
- Comercializadora Regulada, Gas & Power, S.A
- Curenergia Comercialización de Último Recurso, S.A.U
- Energía XXI Comercializadora de Referencia, S.L
Changing suppliers is free of charge, and it must be done within a maximum of 3 weeks.
The trader will be responsible for processing the switching of supply with the gas distribution company.
In addition, the previous trader must send their last bill within the maximum period of 6 weeks after their supply service ends.
Price comparison tool
To facilitate a comparison of supply offers, the National Commission on Markets and Competition has developed a tool for comparing offers for the supply of gas and electricity. You can see it here .
Consumer Rights
Article 57 bis of Law 34/1998, of 7 October , sets forth the rights of consumers with respect to the natural gas supply. Consumers have the following rights, among others:
- The right to choose the gas supply company.
- The right to request verification that the equipment they have installed works properly.
- The right to have telephone assistance service provided by the distributor to which their installations are connected, operating 24 hours a day, whom they can contact about possible safety incidents related to their installations. This number must be clearly identified on bills, and in any case will be provided to the consumer by the trader.
- The right to be informed if there is a contract change.
- The right to receive transparent information about prices, tariffs and general conditions that are applicable to accessing and using gas services.
- The right to freely choose the means of payment.
- The right to change suppliers at no cost.
- The right to have procedures available for processing their claims.
How to file a complaint
Consumers have the right to contact the customer complaints service of their gas supply company.
If a customer is dissatisfied about the response to a complaint, the supply company must inform them about their rights regarding the dispute resolution channels available to them in the event of a dispute.
To resolve claims through administrative channels (in the case of domestic consumers), the Autonomous Community where the consumption point is located will hold jurisdiction, without prejudice to possible actions through court channels.
Likewise, it is possible (either previously or alternatively) to resolve a claim out of court through Consumer Arbitration Bodies, a system that can only be used if the parties voluntarily resort to it.
Non-payment of bills and interruption of supply
The supply of piped natural gas to consumers can be suspended when:
- Two months have elapsed as from when they had been certifiably required to make payment, and that payment has not been effectively made.
For these purposes, the requirement will be made by any means that allows recording the receipt thereof by the interested party or their representative, thereby also including the date, the identity and the content of the same.
Information for each Autonomous Community

Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La