Transfer of a vehicle: Registration tax


What is the purpose of the tax?

The purpose of the taxable transaction, the special duty on some forms of transport (IEDMT), is:

  • The first definitive registration in Spain of new or used vehicles equipped with a drive engine.
  • Entry into service or use of vehicles in Spain without having applied for definitive registration.

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Declaration forms

The person paying the IEDMT tax (special duty on some forms of transport) is required to submit the tax declaration  form 576.(Abre en nueva ventana)

This is except in cases where the person is not liable for the tax or when an exemption applies, in which case form 05 (Abre en nueva ventana) or form 06(Abre en nueva ventana)  must be submitted, depending on whether or not prior recognition is required by the Tax Office.

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Deadlines for submission of the declaration forms.

IEDMT forms should be submitted before the definitive registration of the vehicle.

If the vehicle is entered into service or use in Spain without definitive registration having first been requested, this must be applied for within 30 days following its first use in Spain.

This period shall be extended to 60 days when the vehicle is used in Spain as a consequence of the transfer of the owner’s habitual residence to Spanish territory, provided that the exemption is applicable on these grounds.

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Exemption on grounds of transfer of habitual residence to Spain

Vehicles registered or used as a result of the transfer of the vehicle owner's habitual residence from abroad to Spanish territory may be exempt from payment of the IEDMT if certain requirements are fulfilled: see Art. 66(1)(n) of Law 38/1992(Abre en nueva ventana) of 28 December on Special Duties.

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Information for each Autonomous Community

Mapa de España con comunidades autónomas Acceso al servicio de Andalucía (Abre en ventana nueva) Acceso al servicio de Balears, Illes (Abre en ventana nueva) Acceso al servicio de Castilla y León (Abre en ventana nueva) Acceso al servicio de Cataluña (Abre en ventana nueva) Acceso al servicio de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de (Abre en ventana nueva) Andalucía Balears, Illes Castilla y León Cataluña Navarra, Comunidad Foral de

Andalucía Aragón Asturias, Principado de Balears, Illes Canarias Cantabria Castilla y León Castilla-La Mancha Cataluña Ciudad de Ceuta Ciudad de Melilla Comunitat Valenciana Extremadura Galicia Madrid, Comunidad de Murcia, Región de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de País Vasco Rioja, La

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Authority responsible for the information

Ministry of Finance
Spanish Tax Office (AEAT)
Department of Tax Management
Sub-Directorate General for Information and Assistance