Traffic regulations
Information on road safety and rules
Information about road safety in Spain is available on DG MOVE’s web page on road safety , which you can find on the European Commission website. The page includes information about:
speed limits,
seat belts,
traffic lights,
alcohol limits,
driving under the influence of drugs
forbidden lanes,
safety helmets,
mobile phones,
other specific rules.
You can find more information about rules and road safety on the Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic’s website.
Legal and/or technical references
Royal Legislative Decree 6/2015 of 30 October 2015, approving the recast text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety (Official State Gazette No 261, 31 October 2015)
Royal Decree 1428/2003 of 21 July approving the General Regulations on Road Traffic
Law 16/1979 of 2 October on fees charged by the Central Traffic Authority
Royal Legislative Decree 320/1994 of 25 February approving the regulation for sentencing procedures with respect to traffic, circulation of motor vehicles and road safety
Royal Decree 2822/1998 of 23 December approving the General Vehicle Regulation
Royal Decree 818/2009 of 8 May approving the General Drivers Regulation