EU Single Digital Gateway

Last update: 02/02/2021


What is the EU Single Digital Gateway?

It is a single point of access for European citizens and businesses, to:

  • Reliable and good quality information on the rights, obligations, and national and European rules in relation to the internal market

  • Procedures

  • Assistance and problem-solving services

The Single Digital Gateway will facilitate online access to the information, administrative procedures and assistance services needed by citizens and businesses to live, or develop their business activity, in another country in the European Union (EU).

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What is the Single Digital Gateway for?

It gives you information on your rights and obligations in relation to the internal market of the European Union.

  • If you are a citizen, you can find practical advice and useful tips on topics such as living, studying, working, shopping, travelling, etc., in other EU countries.

  • If you run a business or wish to create one, it will give you the information you need to do business in other EU countries.

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Why was the Single Digital Gateway created?

EU citizens and businesses wishing to relocate to, or operate in another EU country have difficulties in finding out about the rules in force in various sectors or the steps needed to complete the required procedures.

To respond to these needs, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a Regulation in order to create a single digital gateway. The Single Digital Gateway is expected to save businesses billions of euros each year and boost cross-border activity.

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The legal basis of the Single Digital Gateway

Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012.

It was published in the OJEU on 21 November 2018 (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 1-38).

It came into force on 11 December 2018.

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Launch of the Single Digital Gateway

On 12 December 2020, the Single Digital Gateway was launched.

In this first phase, citizens and businesses will have access to information on:

  • rights and obligations

  • procedures

  • assistance and problem-solving services

The information to be provided by local authorities must be accessible by 12 December 2022.

By 12 December 2023, the online procedures must be available.

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How to access the Single Digital Gateway

The Gateway is an integral part of the ‘Your Europe’ web portal, which offers information to citizens and businesses in a multilingual format (in all the official EU languages).

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The Single Digital Gateway logo as a quality label

The Single Digital Gateway logo will appear on all the Gateway’s pages.

This is a quality label to indicate that the pages meet all the quality requirements of the Regulation.

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User assessment of the Single Digital Gateway

Users of the Single Digital Gateway can avail of the user-friendly assessment tool to comment anonymously on the quality and availability of both the services and information provided through the Gateway.

These assessments will be taken into account by the European Commission and the Member States.

This will make it possible to ascertain the level of user satisfaction with the services provided through the Gateway, and give users a meaningful role in improving their quality.

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